New Arrival
Ziwipeak Air-Dried Lamb For Cats 400G282.0268.0


Payment Method
1) | Payment on Delivery(Offline Payment) | |
Only cash will be accepted for Payment on Delivery. Please make sure you have exact amount of cash as NO CHANGE will be given by the delivery person. After we receive your order, our customer service representative will call you to confirm the order details and delivery date. On the date of delivery, our delivery team will call you again to confirm the delivery time.
"Payment on Delivery" service is available to Hong Kong Island, Kowloon and the New Territories.
- The range of the service includes Housing Estates, Organizations
- Ferry-shipping can be arranged for outlying customers
| 2) | Telegraphic Transfer(Offline Payment) | |
*When payment is successful, we will arrange the delivery*
Please pay the exact amount of your order to the following bank account. Customers are responsible for any telegraphic transfer and bank transaction fees.
Bank: HSBC
Account No.: 747-038-206-838
Merchant Name: Easypet limited
Please send the telegraphic transfer copy to us via whatsapp:67048402, stating your order number. If payment is not received within 3 working days, the order will be cancelled and we will inform you by WhatsApp.
| 3) | FPS(Offline Payment) | |
*When payment is successful, we will arrange the delivery*
Please pay the exact amount of your order via FPS.
Customers are responsible for any telegraphic transfer and bank transaction fees.
FPS ID: 67048402
Name:EasyPet Limited
Please remark your phone number or order no. in FPS message and send the screen captuer to us via whatsapp:67048402
If payment is not received within 3 working days, the order will be cancelled and we will inform you by email or Whatsapp.
| 3) | Octopus payment | | Octopus payment | | 4) | PayMe(Offline Payment) | |
If payment is not received within 3 working days, the order will be cancelled and we will inform you by email.
| 6) | PayPal(Online Payment) | | **Use Paypal with caution, or pay with Paypal after we confirm the order**
Paypal will charge 2% Fee
For any reason If cancel the the order that pay by Paypal ,It will charge 5% Fee.
| |
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